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Greetings with Love and Light

We each have a path and unique journey beginning as far back as we can remember.  Remembering comes in many forms.  We can remember from mindful memory, or through instinct, or a knowingness from soul level.  Remembering can come from a scent, a song, a feeling.  Remembering could be trauma, or a teaching, or a fated experience.  

My journey began as a young girl

Remembering a sacred language that came from inside me, not the one I shared with the outside world, but the more personal one I shared with the inside world.  The inside world was all me.  My experience, my perspective, my center point, my groundation, my purpose, my healing, my viewpoint, my family, my friends, my tools, my teaching.  My higher self has been there since I remember.  That inner soul part of me.  That piece of experience that ties the spirit world to the material world.  I can tell you from remembrance and experience, this soul inside has had many experiences and growths and learnings within this body, this lifetime, but it has always been the same consciousness inside.  Awakened to the journey in front of me. 

As a pre teen girl, I remember gazing into the eyes looking back at mine in the silver coated glass.  My mouth was not moving, but I could understand the words being said.  It was not my eyes that were doing the looking as much as it was a life energy inside of me, encompassed me.  The one awakened knew that, as I looked into my own face, the face may one day age with experience through time, but the consciousness, the experience of soul within would not age the same way.  And many solar returns later, I think back and say, yup- that's a truth.  

Through my female lineage I grew a love for divine feminine.  I did not know that one day this sacredness would be so collectively honored. 

Sacred.  To me, that is the perfect word to describe my path of spirituality.  

I had a thing about always diving deep seeking for truth and putting everything gently to the side while I first honored truth as I knew it.  And I can a test to truth changing through time and space.  It's all a matter of perspective.  Meeting life from where we are.  

Know Thyself.  It's written on an Ancient Wall, words that are carved into my own soul.  My life has been a journey of weaving going within to reflect without, seeking without to reflect within.  It has shown me much over the years.

Herbs came into my life, along with a craving for a more natural diet in my mid teenage years.  They have never left my side since.  They have been another woven thread, plants as teachers, food, and medicine.  Nature heals if you spend a moment to tap in and connect, and allow, and let go, and nourish, and bloom. 

Music.  Have always loved music.  Music comes in cycles in my life.  From the days of Yo! Mtv Raps, to Country, to Grateful Dead, Classic Rock, Allman Brothers, Bob Marley, Steve Miller Band, to local jam bands, Roots Rock Reggae, to bluegrass and porch music, to rhythm and blues, to jazz, to conscious music, to meditation music, to binaural beats, and 432 hz and healing sounds, to chanting and my own voice as vibration sound therapy.  A hand drum, a jembe, chimes, and singing bowls.

Energy.  I've always felt the energy in my hands.  A pulsing, emanating from the palms or fingertips.  I began taking yoga classes, experienced massage, and reiki for the first times.  I fell in love with this life that went right along with my life with herbs and natural diet.  I have taken Reiki courses taught by several different teachers, one intense course where I completed my masters teachers certificate.  I have shared this experience through teachings.  And this energy is not just a healing technique but is also another energy that is woven into life itself.

The Stars.  I've looked up since I can remember.  I have memories involving the first eclipse I saw, the first Super Moon- Holy Moly!  That thing was huge, and orange, so bright!  Orion, and the tiny dipper as I knew the Pleaides back than.  The first time I saw the Milky Way, the second and third time, from the deep dark places on the Earth, where the city lights don't shine.  Astrology and the Stars are intimately woven into my world.  I remember talking to a neighbor friend when we were maybe 4 or 5 years old.  We were both born the same day, same year.  We knew the time of our birth, and I never forgot.  She was in the morning, I at 2:42 pm.  I see that number everywhere.

Spirituality and the Mysteries.  I've always been drawn to more esoteric works.  The words behind the words, symbols, meditation, mysticism, and philosophy.  Teachers stem from many cultures, finding common threads, and filtering it all through my heart- the truest book there is. 

My life experience is cyclic.  I feel as though I am going through college my whole life, just picking up the next chapter, continuously growing on my path.  Deeping my journey.  Coming ever closer to the authentic spark of oneness.  I touch it, and release it.  I breathe in, and breathe out.  I am one, am duality, am trinity, am the 4 directions, am the 5 pointed star of creation, I am the elements.  All my paths have begun to weave together.  I have been the common thread, but now.  Now they have begun to unfold as they are so intimately part of the One Truth that I seek.

The Mysteries, the Sacredness, spirituality, scriptures, shamanic practices and viewpoints, astrology, as above, herbalism, so below, inner reflection as within, synchronistic awareness so without.  Sacred Geometry, Sacred Sound, the energy that connects us.  It all connects us.  The archetypal elemental threads that are the recipe of life connecting all things.

well, that's my journey in a nut shell, a seed reflection of the tree of life that it will grow from it.  Forever spiraling in life.

One Love!  

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