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Introduction to Herbal Wellness

I have included herbs in my diet and lifestyle since I was a young teenager.  I have taken classes, studied, and had hands on experience of the art and craft of herbs.  From sacred rituals, to the kitchen table.  From the medicine cabinet to the garden.  

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I am presenting this class as a way for me to share what i have learned along the way.  This way it also helps me to learn more, build an even better foundation, and connect with others to be in community of the herbal life.  

I'd like to share with you what herbs I have found do well on the spice rack, in the tea kettle, in the medicine cabinet.  How one might incorporate the seasons, the garden, and the spiritual awareness. 

Traveling a path of the love of shamanism, natural diet and wellness, spirituality, and gardening, art and energy and music, I bring forth my experience.  There is a lot of information out there, a lot of herbs to name.  This is an introductory, a general scope with some deep wisdoms and knowledge along the way.

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